What Ever Happened to all the Old Racist Whites from those Civil Rights Photos?


What ever happened to those white folks from those old photos?

A few months ago from this day of publishing, I had an interesting discussion with a white guy at work.  The subject of riots came up.  Pretty much, he attempted to place a mass association of “riots” to Black Lives Matter protesters.  Fascinated with his thoughts (which severely lacked critical thinking), I throw him a critical thinking question:

“Do you think that Black Live Matter protesters, command riots?”

I had to repeat the question because he was in total shock, as if he walked from a train wreck, because he didn’t expect to engage in critical thinking.

detroit_race_riots Do you think MLK changed this white man’s bigoted social ideology?  Any of them?

He answered no, which was smart; they do not command riots to occur.  It’s a bit stupid to suggest such.  While he did concede the point that BLM…

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The Kids are Black. #sorrynotsorry

Per white supremacy, the dominant culture is the default culture. Per white supremacy, the dominant culture is the American culture. Per white supremacy, anything other than white is not American and requires a qualifier. African-American. Latin-American. Native American. But white people? Ya’ll are just American. You’re white.

It wasn’t always this way. You used to be Italian. You used to be Polish. You used to be Irish. You used to be Dutch. But, per white supremacy, when your ancestors arrived here you were not American. That title was reserved for white Protestants born in this country. Join me in an eyeroll in that irony in that because this country was literally taken over by a bunch of immigrants from England, and a hundred years later they’re claiming to be the most American Americans ever. Smh. Classic white people, amirite?

Let’s look at history and see how you lost your cultural identity and became “white.” During the 19th century, Italians and Irish were flocking to America to become maids, farmers, and textile workers. This period mainly spans from 1880-1920’s. Luckily for them the 1790 naturalization law reserved citizenship for white-skinned people only. But, at the time, America was a widely Protestant country – and the Irish and Italians were fiercely Catholic. So, the Irish looked out for their countrymen, and the Italians looked out for theirs. As citizens they get to run for government, build businesses, become fireman, policeman, and do all the things people do when they’re trying to create a life for their families. But, per white supremacy – ya’ll can’t come up too high because naturalized citizen or not, you’re still not American. Your skin is white, but you’re not American. Your accent, your food, your religion all sets you apart from Protestant Americans. Irish and Italian citizens weren’t held in any higher regard than black Americans. They were called “Negroes turned inside out.”

So what did the Irish and Italians do after receiving the rude awakening that though they immigrated here and have become citizens; they were treated as poorly as the black Americans whose ancestors had been brought here in chains two hundred years prior? Well, they joined with the free black citizens in the Northeast and worked together. They looked to the black Americans to guide them as they learned the ropes in this new country as oppressed citizens.

Just kidding. Both the Irish and Italians figured out that in order to gain access and legitimacy as white Americans, they would have to be complicit in the oppression of the black citizens. They did this with gusto, and it is well documented. For example, poor immigrants often worked alongside blacks, often times doing the same jobs, but for cheaper. They’d gain business this way. They created unions to protect against the hiring of black workers. And once they got to be successful business people themselves, the immigrant business owners would be sure to NOT hire blacks. They’d hire their own because how could they ever prosper if the white ruling class saw them comfortably working and living amongst black people?

While the white-skinned Europeans are trying to establish themselves in part by participating in the oppression of black families (slavery wasn’t enough to deal with, now we had the white Europeans coming here to let us know we’re second class citizens, smh), southern black families were leaving the south and moving up north. And the white-skinned immigrants who were right on the cusp of being accepted into the unwelcoming but aspirational bosom of whiteness that they did not want the blacks to come in and ruin what they’d spent time building.

According to David R. Roediger, in 1919, Irish thugs in blackface (of course) attacked Polish neighborhoods in Chicago. They were trying to convince the Polish population that as Poles they were also “white” and needed to work together with the other white immigrants to fight against the blacks who were immigrating up north. Roedinger writes,“Poles argued that the riot was a conflict between blacks and whites, with Poles abstaining because they belonged to neither group.” But the Irish gangs considered whiteness, as is often the case in America, as anti-blackness.

[Sidebar because I need to make sure you understand the impact of what the Irish did here. They interpreted whiteness as being ANTI-BLACK. Now, why can’t whiteness be great and blackness be great? It was a threat to them. If black is great, they’d have to compete with us and legitimately recognize our worth as fellow humans. Well, we know that wasn’t about to happen. This is the beginning of the fear of black strength, power. This is the beginning of white people feeling threatened by a black person being outspoken about how amazing they are. We were supposed to internalize this anti-blackness and put whiteness on a pedestal the same way the immigrants did. We were supposed to buy into the idea that black is less worthy, less beautiful, less deserving of everything we helped this nation create. Some of us did (We call them coons. You can’t, don’t catch hands for saying that to your black friend. You’ve been warned.)]

Ok, back to the history you weren’t taught in school or at home –

In the early 20th century Chicago experienced an influx not only of white immigrants from Europe, but blacks from the South, white groups who felt threatened by black arrivals decided that it would be politically advantageous if the Poles were considered white as well. All the white-skinned Europeans abandoned their native languages, the children and grandchildren of immigrants were taught to fit in and to leave behind their own traditions and cultural identifiers when they were out in public. This was an act of assimilation, an act of trying to melt into the American way of life. At home their traditions continued, but they weren’t spoken of outside the house. Last names were changed to be more American sounding and less offensively ethnic to the bland white tongue who would raise a fit if asked to pronounce a last name that had too many syllables or too many accents.

[Sidebar: To be honest, you’d think with so many immigrant populations neglecting their own roots in favor of whiteness that today more “white” people would be resentful and wary of the white supremacy that made abandoning the traditions and cultures of their homeland necessary. But I guess in 2017 they’re so far removed from their original cultures, and so invested in their own white identity that benefiting from white supremacy and continuing to perpetuate it against black and brown bodies is much easier. That’s a whole other post entirely.] 

This pattern of assimilation continued through nearly every nationality that immigrated here. Jews? White. Polish? White. Italian? White. Dutch? White. Irish? White. French? White. German? White.

You know who was in this country longer than any of those immigrants that arrived between 1880-1920? You know who has and never has attained the acceptance into dominant white culture? Black people. To be fair, neither have Native Americans, Mexicans, Asians…but I’m an expert on black shit, so that’s what I write about.

Here’s how this relates to my kids and why they’re black, and being raised as black. When I take them to the doctor I used to write in biracial. I’ve seen forms where I’ve written this in, and had it corrected by the hospital or doctor’s office staff to simply – ‘black.’ This country does not care if you have white family. This country still operates under the One Drop Rule. This country does not care if your great-grandparents were from Jamaica and a little island off the southern coast of Italy. If you’re not white, you’re other. It isn’t right. It isn’t fair. But it is reality. We’re raising our kids to live in reality. And the reality of this nation is that white as the dominant and default culture is everywhere. You can choose to watch television and never see a person of color. You can live in neighborhoods that are only white. You can send your kids to school without any other brown or black students in attendance. You can go to the movies and watch movies about white families. You can open magazines on the newsstand with pretty white girls on the cover, with their flaxen extensions flowing in waves down their back. Whiteness is everywhere. We soak it in when we don’t realize it. My kids are getting a full lesson on whiteness every moment of every day. They’re bombarded by it. It’s unavoidable.

What they aren’t confronted with at nearly the same rate are positive images about black and brown life. Black empowerment, black love, black dignity is rarely amplified alongside white culture. Why would it be? The dominant culture is never going to amplify blackness and celebrate it because that is viewed as a threat to whiteness. Black people retained their culture. We held fast to our traditions – it was all we had. We even created new traditions and cultural norms. And while Irish, Italians, Polish, Jews, etc were busy trying to be ‘white,’ we accepted that we never would be. We flourished in spite of the racism and bigotry that was and is so heavily woven into our lives as black citizens in a white country.

My children are being taught about their culture in ways many white families are not able to or don’t have the interest in teaching their own. John’s family was Italian (they’re white now). They eat a lot of pasta though, and if I had to say one thing they retained that is fiercely Italian – it’s a commitment to food and their family. But he’s never been to Italy. His parents haven’t either. And they don’t speak Italian. John’s great-grandparents told his mother not to speak Italian. The kids purposefully weren’t taught to speak it. To avoid being victimized by the white Protestant Americans, his formerly Italian family were forced to shun their cultural identity and adopt the new American way of life. A white way of life. Conversely, my mother is Jamaican and my father descends from American slaves. I can speak and read in patois, I’ve been to the slave auctions where my ancestors were bought and sold, I’ve visited my great-grandfather’s town in Jamaica. I can cook all the southern favorites, speak in flawless AAVE, and I know what a pear is when my aunt says it vs. when my dad says it.

I am the sum of all the cultures that created my family. Our children will be the same.

But achieving that means they will be learning about Italy and Italian traditions, not whiteness.




Jack Daniels & White Privilege

A few days ago I saw a meme circulating Facebook that said the Jack Daniel’s family is embracing a legacy they’d known about but hadn’t made a big deal about until recently – that Jack Daniel’s learned how to distill whiskey from Nearis Green, a slave. I did a bit of digging and found out this was true. I mean, it’s financially advantageous for them to embrace this in the age of #blacklivesmatter (Hey, black people, we’re down! We even had a slave teach Jack how to distill!), Blackish, Black Twitter…with the help of social media and a few newspaper pieces, Jack Daniels is getting some attention. I guess that’s why they waited 150 years to make a big deal out of Nearis Green being the one to teach Jack, when they admittedly have known about this all along. Major side eye.

Anyway, it made me think of white privilege. This man was taught by a slave how to do something that made him A LOT of money. This distillery is still making Green’s recipe and it is sold in more than 165 countries worldwide now. I am not off the mark to say that Jack was able to pass this information down through the generations so his offspring could benefit and begin to build wealth for his family.

Why didn’t Nearis Green’s family do the same? Well, he was a slave. We weren’t allowed to own businesses, property, and all sorts of other things until after slavery ended. And even then when we were allowed, if the business was too successful and taking business away from whitey…the Klan would come and burn it down. Ask my Grandmother how her father died. Ask my Grandfather why he and his brothers fled Swainsboro, Georgia in the middle of the night. This was in the 1940’s. Jim Crow didn’t end until 1954. But we all know the legal end of Jim Crow did not hearken a new age for black people in this country where we were automatically treated as equals.

What was the Daniels family doing during this time? Building their whiskey empire. Fine. American ingenuity is something that should be championed. But it would be remiss to overlook the fact that while this white family is profiting on the knowledge imparted to him by a slave – the slave’s family is experiencing a life filled with tragedy, segregation, and a quiet fear for one’s well-being that black people still live with to this day. White people had the chance to build wealth, buy property, pass that property down, pass that money down, enter their children into colleges with that money. Send their kids to summer in Martha’s Vineyard while black families were considered lucky to eek out a living and go home every night to their family on thewrong side of the tracks.

Even after the Emancipation when the west was being settled, the poor Irish, German, Italian immigrants were literally given plots of Cherokee land in a plot by the government to settle the west and prevent overcrowding of the east coast. The slaves were freed – but they still were not able to own land in their own country, still being seen as inferior and childlike – they were reduced to having to rent land from their former white owners; while white immigrants were given the opportunity to buy.

Pause and think what your life would have been like if white people weren’t allowed to build wealth. What if your grandfather hadn’t become a doctor? What if your parents weren’t allowed to buy a house in the nice neighborhood in Chicago? What What if Bank of America denied your home loan? What if Toyota gave you an interest rate higher than you could afford for your Camry? if your great-grandparents moved here from Stolkholm and their children weren’t allowed to attend universities?

White privilege is real and it permeates our culture. Don’t feel guilty that you have it, it’s not earned, you’re born with it. But don’t sit on your ass and deny it’s existence. What is white privilege? You’ll have to Google it. Or read Francis E. Kendall’s bookWhite Privilege (or any of the other duplicitous books written by sociologists and race scholars). It’s 2016, by now, white people – you should know what it is. But when you hear the phrase and you go to a place of defensiveness, and are met with the reaction to dismiss it as another way to make you feel guilty for being white, you need to check yourself.

Not Here for You

Dear White People,

This is not going to be a post where I’m using the term ‘white people’ as a generalization. This is not a situation where if what I’m saying doesn’t apply to you, you can scroll past.

This is a post for white people. For all ya’ll. If your skin is the color of the papertowels in my kitchen – listen the fuck up. I don’t care if you’re “woke,” or some brown person called you an ally once. Shut your mouths and listen to what I’m about to say.


Your fragility, your tone policing, your well-meaning but patronizing need to tell me I should be nice if I want people to listen, your racist comments and messages will not be tolerated. Don’t deign to message me, text me, or even comment if you’re feeling the least bit defensive about anything I post. I will not abide your white guilt. I’m not going to hold your hand and help you work through your feelings. Call Becky for that shit. I’m not here to teach you, it isn’t my goal to teach you. If you learn something, great. But it isn’t my job. I don’t exist in this space and post here to teach you, I do it so I can live my life as positively as possible.

What’s white fragility? I’m glad you asked because I wrote about it.. It is defined by Dr. Robin DiAngelo as a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. If something I’ve said makes you uncomfortable or angers you, great. You should be fucking angry – our country is lousy with xenophobic and jingoistic extremists that would “make America Great Again [for white cis people only]. Your silence, your apprehension to call bigots out is why we are in this situation. Your lack of action to protect those who are oppressed through institutional racism is why we are in this situation. Your silence is tacit consent. I am angry at you for being silent. I am angry with you for thinking racism is dead. I am angry at you for thinking things are not that serious. I am angry at you for coming to me while I’m hurting and asking me to ameliorate your feelings of defensiveness – asking me to kiss your forehead and tell you you’re a good white person. If you’re not actively challenging racism and bigotry, you’re not good for me. You’re not good for my family. Racism was created by white people solely to benefit white people. Racism is YOUR WHITE PROBLEM. BROWN PEOPLE ARE THE VICTIM’S OF RACISM. SO WHY ARE MORE OF YOU WHITE PEOPLE NOT CHALLENGING RACISM THAT WAS CREATED FOR YOU? I can’t help but think the answer is that you’re comfortable with it because your life is pretty great. AND THAT IS FUCKING SELFISH AND YOU SHOULD FEEL AWFUL.

Today, while dropping my daughter off at daycare a white woman was walking her dog. Brie ran up to the puppy to pet him and I said “Brie wait, touch nice…just say hello first.” This emboldened white lady said to me “You people need to teach your kids to behave in public. If my dog had bit her you’d have sued me because all you’re after is our money.” I asked her what she meant by “you people,” usually this backs someone down. Her response was just as scathing – “You brown people are lazy and want to steal our hard earned money.” What do I do? My two year old is with me in front of her daycare. Lorena was standing on her porch waiting to welcome Brie into her loving, brown arms. It took every inch of my self control and poise not to punch that cow square in her racist face. But you know what? If I did, and I knew this very clearly in that moment – if I did that, I would be the animal. I would justify her racism. I would solidify her stereotype of “us” brown people. I as a black woman being spoken to this way while I’m just trying to live my life cannot even have a normal response without fear of reinforcing this white woman’s racism.

Fuck that lady. Fuck her for trying to reduce my humanity. Fuck her for lumping all us “brown people” in the same bunch. Fuck you, Susan. No one wants your money – I bust my ass hard to sell this photography and create a wonderful experience for my clients. Us brown people have accepted jobs scrubbing your husband’s shoes, serving your food in restaurants we couldn’t even eat in, we have risen and we will continue to rise. And Susan, that’s what’s pissing you off. In the face of all this adversity, we continue to accelerate our lives to achieve the American Dream that was only intended for your lily white ass. Fuck you.

So please, please, please – STOP MESSAGING ME ABOUT BEING ANGRY. I AM ANGRY BECAUSE THIS SHIT HAPPENS ALL TOO OFTEN AND WHITE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE TELL ME WHENEVER THEY CAN THAT “It isn’t that bad. Some of us are good.” Well, great – you know what? You “good” white people need to get your racist counterparts because they’re creating all sorts of problems for “us” brown people who are just trying to live our lives. When my sister was here she was walking to work and an older homeless woman screamed at her from across the parking lot “YOU NIGGER, GET OUT OF HERE!! LAZY NIGGER, LEAVE!!”

It’s 2016 in San Diego, California. Why have these racists not learned that this behavior is not acceptable? Because the white people in their circle don’t tell them. That’s where you come in, speak the fuck up. I don’t care if the joke is racist, sexist, homophobic – say something. Your silence is doing harm, people are dying. People are killing themselves. Things need to improve, white people – and it’s your job to start making sure that happens.

I’m sick of it. I’m tired, I am so tired. So if I angry rant and rave and use social media to express my frustrations, you should be fucking thankful because the alternative to expressing these feelings would land me in fucking jail. And I have kids to raise on this awful planet, ain’t nobody got time for prison.

White Fragility…And Why You Need to Get Over Yourself

White fragility. In many race conversations white people choose to use the dictionary to define racism for me (a black woman, as if I don’t know what it is, and as if I need you to define it for me. Don’t even get me started on the ignorance of that move, that needs it’s own blog post altogether) – so I will return the favor and define white fragility for you, white person reading this who is likely already feeling defensive at the words coming out of my fingers. Take a deep breath and put that defensiveness aside, we’re going to delve a little deeper here and it’s not going to be pretty. Get upset a few paragraphs lower.

So, White Fragility is defined by Dr. Robin DiAngelo as a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation.

Basically, white people are living in a white environment are shielded from racial interactions, and the daily stress that comes along with it. Living this way, segregated from race, and people of color not only protects your views on what it means to be a person of color, but it also reinforces the belief that racism is a thing of the past (you’re not experiencing it, so it isn’t a problem, right?).

Not exactly. I like examples, so here are three examples of what I’ve seen in race conversations when white people start to demonstrate their fragility:

“I’m going to say this and then move on from the conversation because this doesn’t deserve my energy. We are all a part of the HUMAN race.” (minimizing the issue and bowing out of a debate once you’ve dropped your ignorance on everyone else)

“Race isn’t an issue so we need to just stop talking about it.” (I hear: This isn’t an issue for me, and I’m centric to all things so you people of color need to let this go because it makes me uncomfortable.”)

Or, when my husband gets involved: “Why is Shannon so angry, is she trying to start a race war?” (My husband is white, so his understanding of race and lack of fragility challenges the white comraderie of us vs. people of color)

Here’s where things start to pick up, because I tend to speak very plainly and don’t mince words. Also, have a fond respect for fuck and use it liberally. So, as always, if you need your conversations and readings on race to be prettily packaged with unicorns and flourishes, stop reading here.

Get. The. Fuck. Over. Yourself.

Hi, my name is Shannon and I am a black woman in America. I am the fucking expert on race in this conversation, you are the student. Shut your mouth and listen. Recognize your defensiveness, get comfortable with it – and put it aside. A Facebook account, keyboard and an opinion do not an educated person make.

Before you start to respond on something I’ve said think to yourself – could what she be saying be true? Think about it, I’m not the only black person saying things are fucked up towards black people right now, is it more feasible you’re the one who isn’t seeing things happening in front of your face because you choose to be defensive and deny their truths?

Are you the person who would have said ‘black people are happier as slaves, they enjoy this arrangement. These people who come from advanced socities and tribes in Africa relish being subservient in our culture.’ Because that’s essentially what you’re doing when you deny what a person of color says when one of us brings up race as a huge issue in this country.

Think to yourself – Am I denying what is being said because it’s patently false, or because it challenges my long-held white-centric beliefs? Why does what’s being said make me feel uncomfortable? Now, if I’ve asserted something that is factually and/or historically wrong, by all means, point it out. But if you’re just arguing for the sake of being heard because what I’ve said made you uncomfortable, do us all a fucking favor and visit your local library before engaging another person of color in a race conversation.

The book you’ll be checking out is Understanding White Privilege by Frances E. Kendall.  And anything by Bell Hooks.

I used to take into consideration that confronting white people with race would make them uncomfortable and that was the place they would bask in to argue with a person of color. But one day, it dawned on me – I don’t owe you my deference. I’m finished being nice and taking my time and energy explaining in a tone dripping with sugar and spice. I’m pissed off, have every right to be, and the fact that you aren’t fucking enraged as well speaks volumes about you.

Everyday I see white people graduating college, finishing their Ph.D programs, excelling in business. These things don’t happen if you’re not willing to challenge yourself and at some point or another. And likely many times during the course of your professional or student career you’ve had to shut the fuck up and listen to someone who knows what the fuck they’re talking about. Exercise that skill should a person of color deign to engage you in a conversation on race.

Stop being so damn fragile. No one is buying it. We know you aren’t a delicate flower.

We know you just don’t want to listen or be challenged.

And honestly, I don’t know too many people who (except my patient husband and my friend Olivia) has the patience for your ignorant fragility. When I was an RA back at college, I’d tell my residents the only time they’re growing as people is when their mouths are shut, their ears are open, and they’re outside their comfort zone. Learn to take in the words of another with a different perspective, who has lived a different life, who has a different story.

Realize that you aren’t the expert on race if you haven’t ever listened, or done any sort of reading by race scholars. If you truly want to learn about race and the things going on in this country make you wonder why black people are so angry, why #blacklivesmatter is in existance, why the news ignores MONTHS of peaceful protests and uprisings, but chooses to plaster the riots across the screens and newspapers, if you wonder why black women are largely ignored during protests for black men, or how terrifying it can be to be black and transgender – pick up a fucking book, read an article.

We have no time for your delicate fragility when people of color are still experiencing oppression and brutality at an alarming rate. Ignorance is a fucking choice. What have you chosen?

Suck It, Mother’s Day

Voice of Lesbian Parenting

They started infiltrating my social media over a week ago. Mother’s Day gift guides, miracle stories and my favorite…the articles about motherless adult children who have buried their mom.

I’m sure Mother’s Day is hard when you’ve lost your mom. I mean, your mom is the first person to love you. She’s there for every major milestone in your life. She’s your freakin’ mom. And if she has passed, it hurts…especially on Mother’s Day.

But my mom isn’t dead.

She is not here, but she’s not dead. She’s never met my youngest two children or my wife. To be frank, she has no idea who I am or what my life entails. Anything she does know about me, she hears second hand or sees on social media.

She’s not the type of mom one mourns. I can’t blame her choices or her absence in my life on any diagnosed mental…

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University of Maryland Building a Monument to Frederick Douglass

University of Maryland Building a Monument to Frederick Douglass.

The University of Maryland has announced that it will build Frederick Douglass Square on the College Park campus to honor the former slave and abolitionist. The new square will feature quotations from Douglass displayed on a steel wall. The wall will be surrounding by paving squares, flower beds, benches, and accent lighting.

The project was spearheaded by Ira Berlin, Distinguished University Professor of History at the University of Maryland. Professor Berlin is the author of several books on American slavery.

At the ceremony announcing the square, Professor Berlin said that “nothing could be more appropriate than representing Frederick Douglass and his words at the University of Maryland. No man or woman has better stood for the ideals upon which the University was founded and the principles in which the people of Maryland believe. Douglass stood for fairness, justice, racial, gender, sexual, and religious equity.”

The university has allocated $375,000 for the project and groundbreaking is scheduled for later this year. Supporters of the square hope to raise additional funds to add a statue of Frederick Douglass to the square.


3 Black Cops and Implicit Bias


02baltimore_officers2-articleLarge-v3 Photo: Baltimore Police Department

“Did you know three of the police officers charged in Baltimore were black?”


“See, so it wasn’t racist!”

This is what systemic racism looks like. Racism is woven into the fabric of our society and wrapped around everyone within. We all see the negative images associated with black people and are given the same crime and welfare stats. Why would we expect different perceptions or beliefs about this information based on the color of skin? (Does anyone remember the black vs. white baby doll experiment?) Just as most people who are white will not believe that they could be racist against blacks, neither will most people who are black believe that they could be racist against people who are also black.

Unfortunately, our subconscious frequently has a different story to tell, and this is where implicit bias comes into play.

When I was about…

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Police Lives Matter / All Lives Matter

NO SHIT, SHERLOCK. The lives of police have always been more valued in this country, from the days when it was a crime for a slave to runaway, down to the 60’s when the police turned on the fire hoses and released their German Shepherds against peaceful protestors during the Civil Rights Movement. Police lives do matter – but police arent the ones being taken into custody and having their spines severed inexplicably. Police are the ones who are off duty and still manage to fear for their lives and shoot a woman in the back of her head (Rekia Boyd). Police, sworn to SERVE AND PROTECT are the ones killing black men who are frightened and in need of medical attention after the scene of an accident (Jonathan A. Ferrell).

All Lives Matter. Well, no the fuck they dont. Because if they did, the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s wouldn’t have taken place, Malcolm X would have never been necessary, and Martin Luther King Jr. wouldnt have been assasinated. Ten thousand people marching in Baltimore could go on with their lives and not spend their time passionately marching and chanting about the disparity in value between black lives and white lives in this country.

If all lives mattered, Mike Brown would be awaiting his due process of law. Emmett Till would be enjoying his life with his grandchildren. Medger Evers would have lived a long life. Harriet Tubman wouldnt have operated the Underground Railroad. Native Americans wouldn’t have walked the Trail of Tears. Chinese immigrants and their American born children wouldn’t have been exiled to work camps in California. Examples of all lives NOT mattering span back to the beginning of this country. So now, in 2015 when the voices of the oppressed are uplifted in rage, desperation and anguish – white people decide to placate us with the phrase All Lives Matter. Well, open a history book – get comfortable with the fact that all lives do not matter. People of color have had this reality shoved down their throats, whether they’re born here or immigrate here in search of a better life. It’s high time you as a white person admit this fact to yourself as well.

Are all cops racist perpetuators of brutality against people of color? No. Are all people of color savage beasts who revel in lawlessness? No. To even have to say this detracts from the conversation. Don’t try to ameloriate a horrible condition of systemic racism by speaking in absolutes. Of course not ALL cops are bad. That is not the point – the point is the bad ones consistently kill and go free. The point is the bad ones make the good ones look bad. The point is people of color don’t know who to trust in a uniform. The point is when you’re pulled over as a black man, you dont know whether you are about to speak to Mr. Good Cop with common sense or Mr. Good Ol’ Boy who distrusts and dislikes black people. Learning not to trust the authorities is something people of color do because we are scared.for.our.lives.

Do you know what that fear looks like? It looks like being pulled over and when the officer asks for your license, you narrate to him that it’s in your back pocket or glove compartment so he doesnt assume you’re reaching for a weapon. It looks like a mother passionately slapping her son in public so he doesnt end up like Freddie Gray.

Black lives matter. And this is where I start to get angry, so if you’re into tone policing and need the words you read to be wrapped with a pretty and polite bow – the rest of this isn’t for you.

If you are concerned with buildings, burning pharmacies, people breaking the law more than you are concerned with the black lives that have been lost at an alarming rate at the hands of white people – you are a fucking racist.

If your concern and fear is for the police who voluntarily choose to serve and protect as their profession and turn a blind eye when an officer beats or kills a black person, if you dont protest that injustice with the same passion you do a riot – you are a fucking racist.

I dont understand why white people need to interject themselves centerstage of an issue and take the conversation over. We can’t have shit to ourselves. White people appropriate our style, our music (looking at you Taylor, Katy and Iggy), our slang. Everyone wants to be black, but nobody wants to be black.

Black lives matter is not about you, and that’s the way we like it. The statement black lives matter does NOT MEAN your life is any less valuable. It means there are lives, there are people aching and hurting to have the same damn worth in this country that you have as a white person. You are already valued. Do you mind if we attempt to attain the same value you have been blessed with since you were born with a lily white ass? Or does that scare you because it must mean you will have to give up some of your white power? You’re wrong, by the way if you think elevating another means you are diminished. You’re wrong, you’re selfish, and you’re fucking petty.

This country was founded for you. Neighborhoods were built for you and blacks were kept out. Businesses were opened by loans only given to white people, and those businesses kept black people out. My great-grandfather was killed, murdered in his store for operating successfully and providing competition to a store that would only serve you. My grandfather was run out of town with his brothers and fled Georgia to New York because he was tipped off they were coming for him – because his business was a success as well. You, white women, white men are valued in the workplace where you make more than your black counterparts with equal education. Universities were built for you and kept us out. Are you really so damn blind to think that just because those things occurred in the past they have no bearing on today? Wake the fuck up. Black Lives Matter is the alarm clock, and there is no snooze button. You’ve been asleep long enough.

Instead of flippantly posting #alllivesmatter or #policelivesmatter, you should be asking yourself why the #blacklivesmatter movement makes you feel as if you don’t matter. Is it because this movement isn’t centered around you? Well, it’s about fucking time. You already have a whole country built and maintained on the backs of people of color. Is it too much to ask that black people demand not to be killed and injured at the hands of the police? Is it too much to ask that you sit the fuck down and open your clogged ears to listen to the cries and shouts of a people long overdue the equality promised in the documents drafted when this country began? Be an ally to us, support us. We want all lives to matter, because as it stands right now – yours is the only one that does.